aiacademy: 深度學習 CNN 老師來啦!!!!
嚴格來說,我們對人腦視覺領域,還是不知道怎麼運作的… Lol
- 代表性架構
- AlexNet
- 8 layers: 5 cnn, 3 dnn
- ReLu (Rectified Linear Units)
- AlexNet: Data augmentation and dropout
- 沒有公開 source code
- VGG-Net
- 有公開 source code
- 16 layers or 19 layers
- multiple scale training imporves the performance
- googleNet
- 22 layers
- significantly more accurate than AlexNet
- 12 times lesser parameters than AlexNet
- inception module
Auxiliary classifier
GoogleNer: Inception module
- Choose filter sizes of
1 * 1
,3 * 3
, and5 * 5
- Concatenate all features maps
- Choose filter sizes of
- ResNet(2016)
- 太多層: gradient exploding/vanishing
- Residulal learning: Convergence
- AlexNet
Object detection: YOLO
Semantic Segmentation
- FCN (Fully Convolutional Netwotks for Semantic Segmentation)
- FCN (Fully Convolutional Netwotks for Semantic Segmentation)
- Super resolution
- Style Transfer
Action and gestrue recognition