aiacademy: 深度學習 CNN Object Recognition and Detection
Tags: aiacademy, cnn, object-detection
### Fine-grained object recognition
- CNN-based computer vision applicatons
Find-grained object recognition
- Object detection
- Semantic segmentation
- Image super resolution
- Image style transfer
- Action and gesture recognition
- Image matching and co-segementation
Generic and
visual recognition- A large class number
- Large intra-class
Subtle inter-class variations
Part-based Method
- Neuron: part detector
- Feature map: the spatial occurrence of certain part
We introduce the
co-occurrence laye!r
to encode the interaction between object parts.
Apporach (Co-occurrence layer)
Experiments: Dataset
experiments: setting
Object Detection
- CNN-based computer vision applicatons
- Find-grained object recognition
Object detection
- Semantic segmentation
- Image super resolution
- Image style transfer
- Action and gesture recognition
- Image matching and co-segementation
Object Detection
- Goal: Detecting instances of semantic objects of certain classes
- Critical to high-level vision tasks such as surveillance, self-driving car, and image retrieval
R-CNN: Regions with CNN Features
Object Detection
===> R-CNN 第一個用 CNN 來做 Object Detection 的論文!
- Proposal extraction: Using
selective search
[Uijlin et al.,IJCV’13] - Compute CNN features in the layer ‘fc7’ of Caffe CNN
- Region classification: linear SVMs or a softmax classifer
- Regression-based bounding box refinement
Fast R-CNN
- Apply fully concolutional networks to the whole image
- Rol pooling: each proposal is pooled into a fix-size feature map
- Classification with a softmax layer
- Regression-based bounding box refinement