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Python function

  • funcion
     def function_name(parameters):
        # code...
     def greet():
  • return statement
     def square(x, y):
         return x*x, y*y
     res_x, res_y =square(2, 3)
     print(res_x) # 4
     print(res_y) # 9
  • anonymous function - lambda
     double = lambda x: x *2
     print(double(5)) # 10
     # Lambda functions can have any number of arguments
     double = lambda x, y: x*2 + y
     print(double(5,2) # 12

Python Generators

  • Generator with for loop
     def generator_example():
        a = 1
        yield print(a) # 1
        a += 1 
        yield print(a) # 2
      for i in generator_exmple():
      # Output:
      # 1 
      # 2
  • Generator with next, avoid StopIteration Error
     def generator_example():
        yield print(1)
        yield print(2)
     gen = generator_example()
     gen.__next__() # 1
     gen.__next__() # 2
     gen.__next__() # Traceback (most recent call last): 
                    #  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
                    # StopIteration
     # avoid StopIteration Error
      except StopIteration:
  • Benefits - Memory Usage
     # 利用 list 迭代
     range_num = 10
     for i in [x*x for x in range(range_num)]:
         # do something
     # 利用 generator 迭代
     for i in (x*x for x in range(range_num)):
         # do something
    • Memory Usage - by using list
       import psutil
       before_used = psutil.virtual_memory().used  # expressed in bytes
       after_used = 0
       print("before:", before_used)
       range_num = 1000000
       for i in [x*x for x in range(range_num)]: # 第一種方法:對 list 進行迭代
           if i == (range_num - 1) * (range_num - 1):
               after_used = psutil.virtual_memory().used
               print("after:", after_used) 
       print("used memory:", (after_used - before_used))    
       before: 6833217536
       after: 6859653120
       used memory: 26435584
    • Memory Usage - by using generator
       import psutil
       before_used = psutil.virtual_memory().used  # expressed in bytes
       after_used = 0
       print("before:", before_used)
       range_num = 1000000
       for i in (x*x for x in range(range_num)): # 第二種方法:對 generator 進行迭代
           if i == (range_num - 1) * (range_num - 1):
               after_used = psutil.virtual_memory().used
               print("after:", after_used) 
       print("used memory:", (after_used - before_used))
       before: 6848933888
       after: 6850170880
       used memory: 1236992


  • Modules
     import re
     import re as r
     from re import findall
     from re import *
  • Module - os
     import os
     # 顯示絕對路徑
     # 將多個字串組合為路徑
     "/".join(['path', 'result', 'a.csv'])
     # 將多個字串組合為路徑
     os.path.join('path', 'result', 'a.csv')
     # 檢查某路徑 /資料夾是否存在

Regular Expression

  • re
     "This is demo string, do nothing!"
     # pattern_1
     # pattern_2
     # find - does the string contains the pattern?
     # YES or NO
     "This is demo string, 01234567899876543210"
     # pattern
     # if you want to search more complex pattern?
     # using regular expression!
     syntax = "[0-9]{20}"
    • Special Characters

       .     match any character except a newline 
       *     match 0 or more repetitions of the preceding character
       +     match 1 or more repetitions of the preceding character
       {m}   match exactly m copies of the previous character
       {m,n} match from m to n repetitions of the preceding character
       \     escapes special characters
       [ ]   Used to indicate a set of characters 
          [amk] will match 'a', 'm', or 'k'
          [a-z] will match any lowercase ASCII letter
          [0-5][0-9] will match all the two-digits numbers from 00 to 59
  • Module - re

     import re
     string = "This is demo string, do nothing!"
     pattern = "is"
     # Return a list of all non-overlapping matches in the string.
     print(re.findall(pattern, string))  # ['is', 'is']
     import re
     # find numbers
     pattern = "[0-9]+"
     string = "12 drummers drumming, 111 pipers piping, 1006 lords a-leaping"
     re.findall(pattern, string)  # ['12', '111'. '1006']
     # find letters 
     pattern = "[cmf]an"
     string = "find: can, man, fan, skip: dan, ran, pan"
     re.findall(pattern, string) # ['can', 'man', 'fan']
    • find e-mail
       import re
       email_text= """ Big Data Analytics/ Deep LearningSocial Computing / Computational Social Science / Crowdsourcing Multimediaand Network SystemsQuality of ExperienceInformation SecurityPh.D. candidate at NTU EEchihfan02-27883799#1602Camera CalibrationComputer VisionData Analysiscmchang02-27883799#1671System OptimizationMachine LearningyusraBig data analysiscclin02-27883799#1668Data Analysisrusi02-27883799#1668Government Procurement ActFinancial Managementkatekuen02-27883799#1602AdministrationEvent Planningseanyu02-27883799#1668Data AnalysisPsychology & NeuroscienceMarketingxinchinchenEmbedded Systemkyoyachuan062602-27883799 #1601FinTechActuarial ScienceData Analysiskai0604602-27883799#1601Data AnalysisMachine Learningchloe02-27839427Accountingafun02-27883799 felix2018@iis.sinica.edu.tw #1673Data AnalysisWeb developmentyunhsu198902-27883799#1668MarketingTIGP Ph.D. Fellow at Academia Sinica & NCCUbaowalyMachine LearningData AnalysisSocial Computingchangyc1427883799#1678 Data Analysisjimmy1592302-2788379 jimmy15923@iis.sinica.com.tw#1688Data AnalysisjasontangAnalysisMachine Learninguchen02-27883799#1668Deep Learningpjwu02-27883799#1604Computational PhotographyData Analysis """
       re.findall("([A-Za-z0-9._]+@[A-Za-z.]+[com|edu]\.tw)", email_text) # ['felix2018@iis.sinica.edu.tw', 'jimmy15923@iis.sinica.com.tw']
  • Class

     class MyClass:
        var = 123
        def method(self):
           return "hello world"
     # Instantiation
     my_object = MyClass()
    • init, self
       # no arguments
       class MyClass:
           def __init__(self):
               print("do nothing")
       # with arguments
       class MyClass:
           def __init__(self, var1, var2):
               self.var1 = var1
               self.var2 = var2
    • Object
       class MyClass:
           def __init__(self, var1):
               self.var1 = var1
       my_object_123 = MyClass(123)    # <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7f2008391438>
       my_object_987 = MyClass(987)    # <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7f20083916a0>
      • example
         class Person:
            bmi = 0.0
            height = 0.0
            weight = 0
            def __init__(self):
            def ask_person_info(self):
                self.height = float(input("What is your height? (meter) : "))
                self.weight = int(input("What is your weight? (kg) : "))
            def cal_BMI(self):
                self.bmi = round((self.weight / (self.height ** 2)), 2)
                print("Your BMI is " + str(self.bmi))

jupyter notebook 快捷鍵

  • ESC 跳出 cell
  • Enter 進入 cell

  • run cell
    • Shift-Enter : 執行完跳下一行
    • Ctrl-Enter : 執行完留在同一行
    • Alt-Enter : 執行完insert下一行
  • Cell 新增、移除、合併
    • A : insert cell above
    • B : insert cell below
    • X : cut selected cells
    • C : copy selected cells

    • Shift + V : pasts cells above
    • V : pasts cells below
    • Z : undo cells deletion
    • D D : delete selected cells
    • Shift + M : merge selected cells, or current cell with cell below if only one cell is selected
  • 改變 cell 功能 (code、markdown、raw)
    • Y : change cell to code
    • M : change cell to markdown
    • R : change cell to raw
  • edit mode
    • TAB : code completion or indent / (提供輸入選項)
    • function 提示說明:
      • Shift + TAB : tooltip
      • Shift + TAB + TAB : tooltip + parameters
  • Jupyter notebook 魔術指令
    • %
      • %cd : 改變路徑
      • %save: 將 cell 儲存為 .py
      • %run xxx.py: 執行 xxx.py 檔
      • %timeit: 計算該 cell 執行之時間
      • %matplotlib inline: 將繪製的圖直接顯示在 notebook 上
      • %matplotlib notebook
    • ! 可以直接輸入 terminal 的指令
      • !nvidia-smi
      • !ls
      • !rm
      • !pip install …