工作筆記: dz-03 7, 8月 壓縮在壓縮~
Tags: docker, go, javascript, pandas, postgres, python, react, sql, 工作筆記
Postgres insert date
- current_timestamp
- 在時間內加時間
- current_timestamp + interval ‘1 day’
- ex:
insert into table (create_time, estimated_time) value (current_timestamp, current_timestamp + interval '1 day')
- 在時間內加時間
sql 查看 time different
SQL Server and Sybase | PostgreSQL | |
Years | DATEDIFF(yy, start, end) | DATE_PART(‘year’, end) - DATE_PART(‘year’, start) |
Months | DATEDIFF(mm, start, end) | years_diff * 12 + (DATE_PART(‘month’, end) - DATE_PART(‘month’, start)) |
Days | DATEDIFF(dd, start, end) | DATE_PART(‘day’, end - start) |
Weeks | DATEDIFF(wk, start, end) | TRUNC(DATE_PART(‘day’, end - start)/7) |
Hours | DATEDIFF(hh, start, end) | days_diff * 24 + DATE_PART(‘hour’, end - start ) |
Minutes | DATEDIFF(mi, start, end) | hours_diff * 60 + DATE_PART(‘minute’, end - start ) |
Seconds | DATEDIFF(ss, start, end) | minutes_diff * 60 + DATE_PART(‘minute’, end - start ) |
postgres get time with NOW()
select * from table t
where t.start_time between ( NOW() - interval '50 day' ) and NOW ();
Sql 找重複 item
select t.item
from table t
group by t.item
having count(*) > 1;
Check string in []string
input := []string{"bird", "apple", "ocean", "fork", "anchor"}
fmt.Println(contains(input, "apple")) // true
fmt.Println(contains(input, "grow")) // false
func contains(s []string, searchterm string) bool {
i := sort.SearchStrings(s, searchterm)
return i < len(s) && s[i] == searchterm
Time Caculation
// Common durations. There is no definition for units of Day or larger
// to avoid confusion across daylight savings time zone transitions.
// To count the number of units in a Duration, divide:
// second := time.Second
// fmt.Print(int64(second/time.Millisecond)) // prints 1000
// To convert an integer number of units to a Duration, multiply:
// seconds := 10
// fmt.Print(time.Duration(seconds)*time.Second) // prints 10s
const (
Nanosecond Duration = 1
Microsecond = 1000 * Nanosecond
Millisecond = 1000 * Microsecond
Second = 1000 * Millisecond
Minute = 60 * Second
Hour = 60 * Minute
endTime = startTime.Add(time.Duration( (value.StdTp + value.StdTs*value.Qty)*60)*time.Second)
Go 寶哥 考試
Go: Compiled Language
Go 迴圈
for {...} for true {...}
Go example
package main
import "fmt"
func main(){
result := sum(1, 2)
func sum(x, y int) (res int) {
res = x, y
--> 3
Go 每支原始檔案 .go
- 含有 package 宣告
package main import _ github.comlib/pq import "fmt"
- 執行該 package 的 init 方法
Go Modules 最主要的用途為何
- package 相依去中心化
Go get
go get github.com/gorilla/mux@>v1.7.2
Go 檢查程式碼是否有錯誤 (例如是否含有 unreachable code 等問題)
go vet
Go 列出 fmt 使用方式
- go help fmt
Go 會列出什麼結果
package main import "fmt" func main() { ch := make(chan int) ch <- 10 i := <- ch fmt.Prinln(i) }
fatal error: all goroutlines are asleep - deadlock!
Go 會列出什麼結果
package main import { "fmt" "time" } func main(){ ch := make(chan int) go func() { time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) ch <- 10 }() i := <- ch fmt.Println(i) }
- 10
Go 結果
package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { i, j := 99, 99 setWithPointer(&i) setWithValue(j) fmt.Println(i, j) } func setWithPinter(i *int){ *i = 100 } func setWithValue(i int){ i = 100 }
- i = 100, j = 99
Go 執行後的輸出順序
package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { defer fmt.Print("defer 1, ") fmt.Print("hello, ") defer fmt.Print("defer 2, ") }
- hello, defer 2, defer 1,
Go xorm showSql
// ShowSQL show SQL statement or not on logger if log level is great than INFO
func (engine *Engine) ShowSQL(show ...bool) {
if len(show) == 0 {
engine.showSQL = true
} else {
engine.showSQL = show[0]
go 剪字元
Go xorm 自組合 query string
- builder.Eq
- type Eq map[string]interface{}
err = session.Select(selectSql).
Limit(limit, startIndex).
Golang switch
func main() {
fmt.Print("Go runs on ")
switch os := runtime.GOOS; os {
case "darwin":
fmt.Println("OS X.")
case "linux":
// freebsd, openbsd,
// plan9, windows...
fmt.Printf("%s.\n", os)
Go struct assign
Docker Ignore
- .dockerignore
# dependencies
# To prevent storing dev/temporary container data
Docker toolbox
- 看 docker toolbox run 起來的 ip 位置
- docker-machine ip
- show git graph
- git log –all –graph –decorate
pandas read json file
import pandas as pd
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
import json
import os
with open("./jobs.json", "rb") as json_data:
data = json.load(json_data)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index')
Date add date
// Create new Date instance
var date = new Date()
// Add a day
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1)
e2e cypress
npm install cypress –save-dev
Opening Cypress
- ./node_modules/.bin/cypress open
css selector