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Simple Example

  • colors = [11, 34, 98, 43.1, 45, 54.5, 54, 60,103.2, 102]
  • Print the values greater than 50 and type is integer

colors = [11, 34, 98, 43.1, 45, 54.5, 54, 60,103.2, 102]

print([ i for i in colors if i > 50 and type(i) == int])

Loop in dictionary

map = {
    "name": "John",

for val in map.keys()/ map.values():

While Loop

  • while / break

    •   while a > 0:
    •   while True/False:
            if cond:

Simple Example

  • Ask user to enter his/her favorite language. Keep asking user till he/she enter “python” and print out “Your favorite language is xxx”
while True:
  p = input("What is ypur favorite language ?")
  print("Your favorite language is {}".format(p))
  if p.lower() == "python":
    print("Bye Bye ~~~")

Build program

  • Write a progra. When execute the code, print “Say something:” on terminal, which prompt user to input

  • After user press enter, keeping asking the same question and waiting for user input

  • For every sentence, the first character is capital, and the program adds “,” or “?” depends on the first word of the sentence( 5W1H).

  • The program stop prompting whenever user enters \end

  • Finally print out all user inputs(exclude \end) on the screen. Each input is separated by one space.

w_list =  ['what', 'how', 'who', 'where', 'when']
final = ''
while True:
  s = input("Say something:")
  t = s.split()
  c = ''
  if s == '\end':
  if t[0].lower()in w_list:
    c = s.capitalize() + '? '
    c = s.capitalize() + '. '
  final = '' + final + c 
last_word = input('Say something: ')
p_mark = '?' if last_word.startswith(w_list) else '.'
message = f'{message}{last_word.capitalize()}{p_mark}'

area coord

<map name="planetmap">
  <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" href="sun.htm" alt="Sun">
  <area shape="circle" coords="90,58,3" href="mercur.htm" alt="Mercury">
  <area shape="circle" coords="124,58,8" href="venus.htm" alt="Venus">