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Unsupervised learning introduction


  • Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply?

    • Clustering is an example of unsupervised learning.

    • In unsupervised learning, you are given an unlabeled dataset and are asked to find “structure” in the data.

    • In unsupervised learning, the training set is of the form {x^{(1)},x^{(2)}, … ,x^{(m)}} without labels y^(i)

K-means algorithm

K-means algorithm

  • input:
    • K (number of clusters)
    • Training set {x^(1), x^(2), … ,x^(m)}
       x^(i) ∊ R^n (drop x0=1 convention)
  • Randomly initialize K cluster centroids μ1, μ2, … , μk ∊ R^n
     Repeat {
        for i = 1 to m
           c^(i) := index (from 1 to k) of cluster centroid closest to x^(i)
        for k = 1 to k
           μk := average (mean) of points assigned to cluster k



K-means for non-separated clusters


Optimization Objective
