Neural Networks
Model Representation I : article
Neuron in the brain
Neural networks were develpoed as simulating neurons or networks of neurons in the brain
- Neural networks are a set of algorithms
原本 7/8 號要寫完這篇~ 結果 顆顆顆~~ 哈哈哈
今天生日耶~~ 祝我生日快樂~
- Sigmoid (logistic) activation function
- θ (theta) parameters —> in nerual networks fields called weight
終於知道為啥之前學的 CS231 都用w
Neural Network
(j) a = "activation" of unit i in layer j i
(j) Θ = matrix of weights controlling function mapping from layer j to layer j+1
If network has s units in layer j, j (j) s units in layer j+1, then Θ will be of dimension s * ( s + 1 ) j+1 j+1 j
If layer 1 has 2 input nodes and layer 2 has 4 activation nodes. (1) Dimension of Θ is going to be 4×3 where s = 2 and j s = 4, so j + 1 s * ( s + 1 ) = 4 * 3 j + 1 j