4 minute read



  • define your own data-structure: struct
    • Go’s structs are typed collections of fields. They’re useful for grouping data together to form records.
  • 在 Go struct 裡面
    • var 大寫開頭 —> 可以被其他 package 吃的到
package main

import (

// Trade is a trade in stocks
type Trade struct {
	Symbol string // Stock symbol
	Volume int // Number of shares
	Price float64 // Trade price
	Buy bool // true if buy trade, false if sell trade

func main() {
	t1 := Trade{"MSFT", 10, 99.98, true}
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", t1)
    // {Symbol:MSFT Volume:10 Price:99.98 Buy:true}
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", t1)
    // {MSFT 10 99.98 true}
    // MSFT
    // 如果用 key 值塞 不用管順序
    t2 := Trade{
        Symbol: "MSFT",
        Volume: 10,
        Price: 99.98,
        Buy: true,
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", t2)
    // {Symbol:MSFT Volume:10 Price:99.98 Buy:true}
    t3 := Trade{}
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", t3)
    // {Symbol: Volume:0 Price:0 Buy:false}
  • Object-Oriented with Methods

    • receiver: func (t *Trade) Value() flat64
    • method name: func (t *Trade) Value() flat64
    • return: func (t *Trade) Value() flat64

          func (t *Trade) Value() float64 {
              value := float64(t.Volume) * t.Price
              if t.Buy {
                  value = -value
              return value
package main

import (

// Trade is a trade in stocks
type Trade struct {
	Symbol string // Stock symbol
	Volume int // Number of shares
	Price float64 // Trade price
	Buy bool // true if buy trade, false if sell trade

// Value return the trade value
func (t *Trade) Value() float64 {
    value := float64(t.Volume) * t.Price
    if t.Buy {
        value = -value
    return value

func main() {
    t := Trade{
        Symbol: "MSFT",
        Volume: 10,
        Price: 99.98,
        Buy: true,
    // -999.8000000000001


  • without pointer

    • 在 struct 裡面的 method 不會指向到 你所帶入的 struct 反而是 copy 一個
        // 2 d point
        type Point struct {
        	X int
        	Y int
        func (p Point) Move(dx int, dy int) {
        	p.X += dx
        	p.Y += dy
        func main() {
        	p := Point{1, 2}
        	p.Move(2, 3)
          fmt.Printf("%+v \n", p)
          // {X:1 Y:2}
  • with pointer

        // 2 d point
        type Point struct {
        	X int
        	Y int
        func (p *Point) Move(dx int, dy int) {
        	p.X += dx
        	p.Y += dy
        func main() {
        	p := Point{1, 2}
        	p.Move(2, 3)
          fmt.Printf("%+v \n", p)
          // {X:3 Y:5}

New stucts wiht functions

  • In Go, we write a function to have a constructor or initializer method (like Java, python) when an object is created

    • the func usually start with Newxxx
package main

import (
// Trade is a trade in stocks
type Trade struct {
	Symbol string // Stock symbol
	Volume int // Number of shares
	Price float64 // Trade price
	Buy bool // true if buy trade, false if sell trade

func NewTrade(
	symbol string,
	volume int,
	price float64,
	buy bool) (*Trade, error) {
    if symbol == "" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("symbol can't be empty")

	if volume <= 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("volume must be >= 0 (was %d)", volume)

	if price <= 0.0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("price must be >=0 (was %f)", price)

	trade := &Trade{
		Symbol: symbol,
		Volume: volume,
		Price: price,
		Buy: buy,
	return trade, nil

// Value returns the trade value
func (t *Trade) Value() float64 {
	value := float64(t.Volume) * t.Price
    if t.Buy {
        value = -value
	return value

func main() {
	t, err := NewTrade("MSFT", 10, 99.8, true)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("error: can't create trade - %s\n", err)
    // -998

Challenge: Structs

  • Square

    • Define a Square struct, which has two fields:
      • center of type point and length of type int. Add two methods:

        • Move(dx int, dy int)
        • Area() int
    • Also write:
      • NewSquare(x int, y int, length int)(*Square, error)
    • Point

         type Point struct {
             X int
             Y int
         func (p *Point) Move(dx int, dy int) {
             p.X += dx
             p.Y += dy
  • 我的寫法

package main

import (

type Point struct {
	X int
	Y int

type Square struct {
	Center Point
	Length int

func (p *Point) Move(dx int, dy int) {
	p.X += dx
	p.Y += dy

func (s *Square) Area() int {
	return s.Length * s.Length

func NewSquare(x int, y int, length int) (*Square, error) {
	square := &Square{
		Center: Point{x, y},
		Length: length,
	return square, nil

func main() {

	s, err := NewSquare(10, 10, 5)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error kkk")
	fmt.Println(s.Center) // {10, 10,}
	s.Center.Move(2, 2) 
	fmt.Println("move dx: 2, dy: 2") //move dx: 2, dy: 2
	fmt.Println(s.Center) // {12, 12}
	fmt.Println(s.Area()) // 25


  • 老師的寫法
package main

import (

// Point is a 2d point
type Point struct {
    X int
    Y int

// Move moves the point
func (p *Point) Move(dx int, dy int) {
    p.X += dx
    p.Y += dy

type Square struct {
    Center Point
    Length int

// NewSquare returns a new square
func NewSquare(x int, y int, length int) (*Square, error) {
    if length <= 0 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("length must be > 0")

    s := &Square{
        Center: Point{x, y},
        Length: length,

    return s, nil

// Move movese the square
func (s *Square) Move(dx int, dy int) {
    s.Center.Move(dx, dy)

// Area returns the square are 
func (s *Square) Area() int {
    return s.Length * s.Length

func main() {
    s, err := NewSquare(1, 1, 10)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("ERROR: cant't create square")


我沒有在 Square 裡面再加方法 XD

