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Docker Healthchecks

  • HEALTHCHECK was added in 1.12
  • Supported in Dockerfile, Compose YAML, docker run, and Swarm Services
    • 老師強烈鼓勵在開發的時候,使用 Healthcheck cmd :)
  • Docker engine will exec’s the command in the container
    • e.g curl localhost
  • It expects exit 0 (ok) or exit 1 (Error)
  • Three container states: starting, healthy, unhealthy
  • Much better then “is binary still running?”
  • Not a external monitoring replacement
  • Healthcheck status shows up in docker contaienr ls
  • Check last 5 healthchecks with docker container inspect
  • Docker run does nothing with healthchecks
  • Services will replace tasks if they fail healthcheck
  • Service updates wait for them before continuing

Healthcheck Docker Run Example

  • Adding Healthchecks in run time
docker run \
   --health-cmd="curl -f localhost:9200/_cluster/health || false" \
   --health-interval=5s \
   --health-retries=3 \
   --health-timeout=2s \
   --health-start-period=15s \

Healthcheck Dockerfile Examples

  • Options for healthcheck command
    • --interval=DURATION (default: 30s)
    • --timeout=DURATION (default: 30s)
    • --start-period=DURATION (default: 0s) (17.09+)
    • --retries=N (default: 3)
  • Basic command using default options
    • HEALTHCHECK curl -f http://localhost/ || false
  • Custom options with the command
      HEALTHCHECK --timeout=2s --interval=3s --retries=3 \
         CMD curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1

Healthchekc in Nginx Dockerfile

  • Static website running in Nginx, just test default URL
FROM nginx:1.13
HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=3s \
   CMD  curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1 

Healthcheck in PHP Nginx Dockerfile

  • PHP-FPM running behind Nginx, test the Nginx and FPM status URLs
FROM your-nginx-php-fpm-combo-image

# don't do this if php-fpm is another container 
# must enable php-fpm ping/status in pool.ini
# must forward /ping and /status urls from nginx to php-fpm

HEALTHCHECK --interval-5s --timeout=3s \
   CMD curl -f http://localhost/ping || exit 1

Healthcheck in postgres Dockerfile

  • Use a PostgreSQL utility to test for ready state
FROM postgres

# specify real user with -U to prevent errors in log

HEALTHCHECK --interval=5s --timeout=3s \
   CMD pg_isready -U postgres || exit 1

Healthcheck in Compose/Stack Files

version: "2.1" #(minimum for healthchekcs)
    image: nginx
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost"]
      interval: 1m30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 1m # version 3.4 minimum

Healthcheck Example:

  • docker container run --name p1 -d postgres

     PS E:\Udemy\Docker Mastery\udemy-docker-mastery\healthcheck-1> docker container run --name p1 -d postgres                     
  • docker container run --name p2 -d --health-cmd="pg_isready -U postgres || exit 1" postgres
    • docker contaienr ls 看 contaienr 狀況
    • 超酷的拉~ 可以看到健不健康 XD
    PS E:\Udemy\Docker Mastery\udemy-docker-mastery\healthcheck-1> docker container run --name p2 -d --health-cmd="pg_isready -U postgres || exit 1" postgres
    PS E:\Udemy\Docker Mastery\udemy-docker-mastery\healthcheck-1> docker container ls
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                            PORTS               NAMES
    aea0766a80f1        postgres            "docker-entrypoint.s…"   9 seconds ago       Up 8 seconds (health: starting)   5432/tcp            p2
    2101d72fb70f        postgres            "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes                      5432/tcp            p1
  • docker container inspect <contaeinr-name>
    • docker container inspect p2
    • 可以看到多了 "Health": {} ~~~ … “Health”: { “Status”: “healthy”, “FailingStreak”: 0, “Log”: [ { “Start”: “2020-03-10T07:03:11.576399Z”, “End”: “2020-03-10T07:03:11.7052263Z”, “ExitCode”: 0, “Output”: “/var/run/postgresql:5432 - accepting connections\n” }, { “Start”: “2020-03-10T07:03:41.7178124Z”, “End”: “2020-03-10T07:03:41.8325722Z”, “ExitCode”: 0, “Output”: “/var/run/postgresql:5432 - accepting connections\n” }, { “Start”: “2020-03-10T07:04:11.8411281Z”, “End”: “2020-03-10T07:04:11.9714451Z”, “ExitCode”: 0, “Output”: “/var/run/postgresql:5432 - accepting connections\n” }, { “Start”: “2020-03-10T07:04:41.9874807Z”, “End”: “2020-03-10T07:04:42.1301299Z”, “ExitCode”: 0, “Output”: “/var/run/postgresql:5432 - accepting connections\n” }, { “Start”: “2020-03-10T07:05:12.140623Z”, “End”: “2020-03-10T07:05:12.2619583Z”, “ExitCode”: 0, “Output”: “/var/run/postgresql:5432 - accepting connections\n” } ] } },

    … ~~~

Healthcheck: docker servcie

  • docker servcie create --name p2 --health-cmd="pg_isready -U postgres || exit 1" postgres
PS E:\Udemy\Docker Mastery\udemy-docker-mastery\healthcheck-1> docker service create --name p2  --health-cmd="pg_isready -U postgres || exit 1" postgres                                                        
overall progress: 0 out of 1 tasks                                                                      
1/1: ready