aiacademy day1 隨選筆記
靠邀根本在練速打 XDDD
Alan Turing
Mathematicain, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher, theoretical biologist, and computer scientist.
The father of theoetical computer science and artificial intelligence
Turing Test (1950)
If tester cannot distinguish a machine and a man, this machine can be considered to have “intelligence”.(First time to use)
“Imitation Game”
AlphaGo as “Master” in end of 2016
Google Assistant in 2018 Foogle I/O
Strong AI | Weak AI |
General task (AGI=Artifical General intrlligence) | Specific task |
History: AI in NN
AI: Categories
- can be understood ?
- Symbolic AI:
- Intelligence comes from Human-dfiened Ruile(formal logic)
- Human can understand adn “explain mathematically”
- Human Rule <= Human Language <= Symbol => Symolic AI
- Rule-Base
- Intelligence comes from Human-dfiened Ruile(formal logic)
- Symbolic AI:
- can be gained via learning ?
- Computational Intelligence
- Intelligence come from Machine Computation
- Human can’t understand nor “explain …”
- Use “Evolutionary Algorithm” as example
- No “rule”
- Computation usually links to “learning” and “training”
- Example: Nerual Network, Fuzzy logics, Genetic Algorithm…
- Connectionism VS. Symbolimd
- Intelligence come from Machine Computation
- Computational Intelligence
What is Machine Learning (ML)?
- ML- Perspective 1: Human Behavior (1/2)
- Our daily life, we repeat an action: use knowledge to make a decision
- We expect: make a good decision
- How to mae a good decision: learn
- Prior-learning
- Post-learning
- How to adjust our knowledg:
- know gap between good and bad decision
- Eliminate the gap by adjusting knowledge
- ML - perspective 1 : Human Behavior (2/2)
- knowledge, Decision, Learn, Gap, Eliminate
- knowledge = Intelligence = Model: ML or DL
- Gap = Difference/Delta = Error/Residual = Loss Function (Objective)
- Eliminate = Minimize/Optimize: Gradient Descent or Close-Form
- Eliminate Gap = Learn = Train
- prior-learning
- post-learning
- Deep Learning
- Classic Machine Learning: example
- Decision Tree
- Decision Tree
- Classic Machine Learning: example
- ML- Perspective 2: Problem Solving
- Problem, Data, Model
- ML- Perspective 3: Software
input --> Parameters, ---> Output
Working Data
- Software => Algorithm
- 機器學習演算法是一個 解決問題的架構
Type of Machine Learning
- Supervised Learning
- Regerssion
- calssification
- Unsupervised Learning
- Clustering
- Dimensionality Reduction
- Reinforcement Learning
There are many Method, Approach and Algorithm to realize each Type of Machine Learning. Like DL as below:
- RL
- UL: GAN*
Machine Learning Summary
- SL, UL, RL
- Problem to REsolve
- Approach
- Deep Learning: DNN, CNN, RNN, GAN, RL
DL : NN Models / ANN (DNN)
- ANN: artifical neural network
DNN: Deep neural network
Artifical Neural Network (ANN)
- Decide (Predict or Inference)
- x = input
- w = weight
- b = bias
- Activation Func
- y = output
- y1, y2,
- Decide (Predict or Inference)
Learn (Train)
- learning: designated inpur, desired output
- Use simplified single perceptron as examle
- No activation function and treat bias as constant
- y1 = x1…..
Learn: Symbolic => Numerical
- 數值分析(numerical analysis): 不是求最正確的答案,而是在合理的範圍(資源、時間等...)下求最合理的解。
Learn: Minimize
- finding minimum: Gradient Descent (a numerical method)
- 請看我自己 愛心的筆記 :)
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
Softmax Function: exponentially normalized
Example: MLP
Chain Rule in Differential
single variable:
y = g(x), z = h(y) Δx -> Δy -> Δz dz/dx = dz/dy * dy/dx
Backproagation CS231 NN:
Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
- CNN is a nerwork to imitate Human Vision (ANN: Brain or BNN)
- Human vision: Discriminate (ANN: Decide and Learn)
- We
Feature Extraction: Matrix Convolution
convolution 在做 feature extraction
A Complete Example of CNN
Advanced about Convolution
Classics of CNN
- Yann LeCun
- ImageNet/ ImagesNet Large Scale Visual Recognition
Application of Image Recognition(1/2)
- Object detection
- 分類
Application of Image Recognition(2/2)
- segementation (分割)
- Semantic Segmentation vs. Instance Segmentation
- 模仿人的記憶
- 把前一次的結果記錄起來,下一次 input 併近來一起做運算
RNN 時間有關西,CNN 空間有關西
##LSTM and GRU
- improvement model
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
- 產生器產生出來,分類器分類出來
- ”” : two models “fights”
Steps of Training
- Step1: Fix generator G , and
Stes of Training
- step2:
DL: NN Models / Flow
top-level flow: Model, Data, Problem
Data: Prepare, Pre-process, Analyze
70% 以上,都是在處理 data
- prepare
- collect: collect dataset
- label: label expected output for input data
- pre-process
- clean: corrupt, inaccurate, and missing values
- transform: capture the pattern; easy to manipulate
- analyze
- explore: EDA(Explorative Data Analysis) and Visulization
- feature engineering: Encoding and Selection
- pre-process
- split: training set(考古題)/ validation set(練習題)/testing set(大考)
- normalize: feature scaling, standard score
Data Label Problem
data, data, data 很重要!
Enough Data
Enough Labeled Data
Problem Definition
Domain Experts
- 回去跟 domain 的人多聊聊!
- 定義一個有意義的問題
AIA: Course
- python:
- 機率與統計
- 機器學習概論(ML)
- 深度學習(DL)
- 卷積神經網路與電腦視覺(CNN/CV)
- 遷移學習TL(transfeom learning) & 生成對抗網路(GAN)
AI: Boom
- reasons behind the boom
計算複雜度下降 + 計算力的提升 –> 人工智慧的黃金交叉!
- Theories Ready: ANN, DNN, CNN, RNN, RL …
- DNN: Gradient Descent and Backpropagation
- CNN: Convolution and NN-ized
- Hardware Capability: Nvidia GPU + CUDA
- Big Data: ImageNet and ILSVRC
- Software Tools / Communities:
- Open Source
- Theories Ready: ANN, DNN, CNN, RNN, RL …
Why DL is hotter than ML ?
Software Tools
- Language: python, c++, java
- framework: Tensorflow, keras, pytorch…
- Architecture of Development in DL/ML
- Framework/Package: Tendorflow + keras, PyTorch, CNTK …
- Language: Python
- Environment(Execution): Jupyter(julia, Python, R …)
- Environment(Package): anaconda
- Hardware: local: pc, Cloud (CPU/GPU): Google, …
Software Communities
- GitHub:
- type: service, code version control, SCM
- Kaggle:
- type: community and platform for data scientists
- GitHub:
- Type of Applications
- Problem-driven
- EX: AOI (瑕疵檢測)
- Off-the-shelf
- 有套件在那邊了,EX: yolo
- Goal-driven
- Data-driven
- 要有 data 導向思維
- Labor-oriented
Typical Application: 製造業
- 瑕疵檢測
- 預測性維護
- 自動流程控制
- 原料組合最佳化
Challenge from Data - 1
- Data, more data, more labeled data!
- Training data is not the real world => overfitting
- Model is sensitive to minor change of data
Challenge from Data - 2
- 有data,沒技術
- 有技術,沒data
- 有data,有技術:
- 不確定這訓練出來的 model ok?
“Heruistic” and “Empirical”
AI 產業化
- AI infrastucture
- AI Chipset
- AI Consultant
- Product with Ai Functionality
- Geoffrey Hinton
- British
- Multi-layer neuron network, backpropagation
- Univ. of Toronto.
- Yann LeCun(楊立昆)
- CNN. ML, VS, Robotics
- Yoshua Bengio
- 黃仁勳
- 李飛飛
- 吳恩達
1980: pc
1990: internet
2000: Mobile networking
2010: AIOT
New Trends and Others
AI ===> Computing ability
Which solves faster
a top modern algorithm on a 1980s processor or a 1980s algorithm running on a top modern model.
Musical AI