aiacademy: 深度學習 CNN YOLO(You only Look Once)
YouTuber : Siraj Raval
- YOLO 從darknet 寫的,網路上大神改寫最好的叫 darkflow
Yolo (You only Look Once)
Yolo Structure
We frame object detection as a regression problem to spatially separated bounding boxes and associated class probabilities
YOLO: Limitation & Generalization of results
一個 grid 只預測 2 個bbox, 而且只會有一類 => 靠很近的 Object detect 效果不好
同一類 Object 新的長寬比例效果不好
小 Object 的 localization error
YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger
Description | |
Batch Normalization | Add BN after every conv, delete dropout |
High Resolution Classifier | Finetune on Imagenet as a classifier with 448 x 448 |
Convolutional With Anchor Boxes | YOLO: S x S x (B x 5 + C), YOLOv2: S x S (B x (5 +C)) |
Dimension Clusters | Kmeans for Anchor Boxes |
Direct location prediction | Direct predict, normalize to 0 ~ 1 |
Fine-Grained Features | Add pass-through layer |
Multi-Scale Training | Random change input shape after a number of epochs |
YOLO2 performance and mAP
- AP: average performance
YOLOv2 implement
Pascal VOC
- 20 classe
- person
- bird, cat, cow, dog, horse, sheep
- aeroplane, bicycle, boat, bus, car, motorbike, train,
- bottle, chair, cining table, potted plant, sofa, tv/monitor
xml 紀錄圖片內容的訊息
- 20 classe
Microsoft COCO
Class Prediction