aiacademy: 機器學習 ML 講師來了!!! Common mistakes in data science
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Common mistakes in data science
A good learning model is more important than data size?
- Or may be data size is he king?
A better algorithm or more data?
Task Confusion se t disambiguation:
5 Algorithms: n-gram table, …
Lessons learned 1
- All methods improved as the data size increases
- Some methods may preform poorly initialy but end above the others
有些時候 data size 重要,有些時候 model 重要
Why overfitting may be harmful?
- Overfitting is like memorizing answers
Why big data may help
Overfitting is less likely when we have massive traininf data
- Random noise tends to average out
- Training data may include most possible scenarios, so an over-complex model is problbly acceptable
Exercise 1: random noises are average out with massive data
Exercise 2: complex model may be fine, if data is big enough
Exercise 3: massive data won’t help if model is too simple
Model complexity and over/under-fitting
Complex model works well on complex problems (with enough data)
Data size vs model complexity
- 根據實驗結果-
- 可以再拿資料:
- 如果在測試資料效果不好的話,抓更多的data。
- 如果 overfitting,抓更多的data,可防止 overfitting
- 可以再拿資料:
Hyper-parameterws vs model complexity
- K in KNN
- lambda linear / logistic regression
Lessons learned 2
An typical workflow to write a research paper
We probaly peek (and therfore overfit) benchmark datasets?
- Copmuter vision: imgenet, coco
- Audio/speech: AudioSet, openSLR
- NLP: IMDb, yelp, google Books, Ngram Viewer
Lessons learned 3
切時間 (未來資料的資料)
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils
Days, weeks, months, years are all circulate
Use cyclic features
英國研究 中國製造 台灣報導 南韓起源
看起來統計數字有相關,可是真正的原因是沒有關西的 XDDD
Exercise: correlation occurs, when #features » #instances
Lessons learned 4
Test environments is different from training
- Users have no chnage to click on the items that only appear in the new recommendation list but not in the original one
A/B testing is probably the fairest solution
lessons learned 5
Pca vs. Lasso
- PCA: unsupervised
- 與y無關
- 只根據 x , 找到最大能保留 x 的k方向
- LASSO: supervised
- 與y有關
- X 與 y 無關的 features 所對應的 theta 很可能變成 0
PCA 做降維 vs. autoencoder
Recommender system
- Netflix price competition
Collaborative filtering (CF)
user-based CF
- item-based CF
- model-based CF