aiacademy: 機器學習 Decision Trees
Tags: aiacademy, decision-trees, machine-learning
- Decision Trees: Introduction
- Goodness function
- Used to select the attribute to be aplit at a tree node during the tree generation phase
Different algorithms may use different goodness functions:
Information gain (used in ID3)
Gain ratio (used in C4.5)
Gini index (used in CART)
- Expected Infor maiton (Entropy)
Entropy: 亂度的指標
Information gain
Gain ratio
gain ratio 可想成做過 normalization 的 information gain
Gini index
Decision Trees Overfitting
- If all features are numerical, which of the following classifier requires more time in the prediction phase? KNN, logistic regression, or decision tree classifier
- 解釋:
KNN 在預測的時候要看過所有資料,所以需要比較久的時間
logistic regrssion 只要把trianing set 看過一次,如果data量不多的話,logistic regression 是不錯快的
Decision tree 可能比logistic regression 略慢一些,因為在每一個node狀態下,同一種feature 有機會會被問多次!