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Cost Function : article

Neural Network (Classification)

L, sl, K:

  • L = total number of layers in the network
  • sl = number of units (not counting bias unit) in layer l
  • K = number of output units/classes


  • L: 總共的 layer 數
     L = 4
  • Sl: 每一 layer 上的 unit(Neuron) 數
     s1 = 3, s2 = 5, s4 = sL = 4


Binbary classification & Multi-class classification (K classes)

Binary classification Multi-class classification (K classes)
y = 0 or 1 y = ℝ^K
1 output unit K output units
sL = 1 (K = 1) sL = k (k ≥ 3)
  • 當 K 超過2種以上就要用 Multi-calss classification


Cost function

  • Logistic regression: Imgur

  • Neural network: Imgur
