Tags: daily-programming, obspy, python
震 好 大!
搖到不行的 禮拜天
在等待 阿拿打 ❤️ 的時候
新聞一打開~ 挖~~ 是我最愛的 Python ㄟ
Magnitude 7.2 #earthquake in #Taiwan today (2022-09-18Z06:44) likely very dangerous and https://t.co/AxdMJ6cGYF gives #tsunami threat. Follow there for updates. Signal on IU.MAJO (Japan, data via @IRIS_EPO)https://t.co/BeTJaLLb6j pic.twitter.com/oltdzKUkqG
— Dr. Steven J. Gibbons (@stevenjgibbons) September 18, 2022
偷看了一下 套件
一個關於 地震測量的套件 超酷!!!!!
速度玩了一下 順便看了下文件~
import obspy
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
from obspy import UTCDateTime
client = Client("IRIS")
t = UTCDateTime("2022-09-18 06:44:14")
[sbef, saft] = [0, 1800]
st = client.get_waveforms("IU", "MAJO", "10", "BH*", t - sbef, t + saft)
st.plot( linewidth=0.75, equl_scale=False)
Client: from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
給你去抓世界各地震資料的 Function
- FDSN Web Service
This specification defines RESTful web service interfaces for accessing common FDSN data types. This specification serves as a baseline level of compatibility allowing data request tools to work with any FDSN data center implementing these services.
- FDSN Web Service
AUSPASS http://auspass.edu.au BGR http://eida.bgr.de EMSC http://www.seismicportal.eu ETH http://eida.ethz.ch GEOFON http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de GEONET http://service.geonet.org.nz GFZ http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de ICGC http://ws.icgc.cat IESDMC http://batsws.earth.sinica.edu.tw INGV http://webservices.ingv.it IPGP http://ws.ipgp.fr IRIS http://service.iris.edu IRISPH5 http://service.iris.edu ISC http://isc-mirror.iris.washington.edu KNMI http://rdsa.knmi.nl KOERI http://eida.koeri.boun.edu.tr LMU http://erde.geophysik.uni-muenchen.de NCEDC http://service.ncedc.org NIEP http://eida-sc3.infp.ro NOA http://eida.gein.noa.gr ODC http://www.orfeus-eu.org ORFEUS http://www.orfeus-eu.org RASPISHAKE https://fdsnws.raspberryshakedata.com RESIF http://ws.resif.fr RESIFPH5 http://ph5ws.resif.fr SCEDC http://service.scedc.caltech.edu TEXNET http://rtserve.beg.utexas.edu UIB-NORSAR http://eida.geo.uib.no USGS http://earthquake.usgs.gov USP http://sismo.iag.usp.br
- 台灣主震時間
- UTC 時間
- 2022-09-18 06:44:14
t = UTCDateTime("2022-09-18 06:44:14")